Reset an Asus RP-AC52 Wi-Fi range-extender
How to factory-reset an Asus RP-AC52 Wi-Fi repeater. For whatever reason, ASUS doesn’t tell you how to do it in the manual.
How to factory-reset an Asus RP-AC52 Wi-Fi repeater. For whatever reason, ASUS doesn’t tell you how to do it in the manual.
Review of the excellent Agent Ransack (a.k.a, FileLocator Lite) and FileLocator Pro for Windows. FileLocator is a the best-in-class desktop search app for Windows.
Grindr doesn’t use HTTPS-encryption allowing network operators and attacker-in-the-middle (AITM) attackers to intercept private pics in the app.
Debian will try to redirect you to the nearest mirror service. However, this can be detrimental to cache-hit ratios when running a local HTTP caching service.
I’ve implemented support for sections/categories in Nikola, the static website generator built on Python. Here’s how use it to better organize your website.
Windows developers should stop installing program shortcuts in Start menu subfolders. It’s so Windows 98 and reduces their app’s exposure.
Step-by-step instructions for setting up the Horde webmail and application suite on Linux.
A review of what Lenovo OneKey Optimizer is, how it works, whether it does anything useful, and should you uninstall it?
<ol start="2">
How to start an <ol> list element offset from a different starting number than one. No JavaScript or CSS hacks required, just plain HTML.
More games are being released episodically. However, the Xbox Store won’t keep you up to date on new game episode releases to series you’ve previously purchased.
Set up redirects from URLs with too many forward-slashes in the path to a normalized address with one slash. Helps fix problems with relative URL resolution.
The reading mode in your web browser is an alternate rendering mode not based on any standards. Web browser vendors can’t even agree on what URI schema to use.