Leaked Patreon data used to extort Bitcoins from affected users
Patreon leaked its customers’ email addresses, and Bitcoin extortion spammers has gotten hold of the leaked database.
Patreon leaked its customers’ email addresses, and Bitcoin extortion spammers has gotten hold of the leaked database.
Out with one vaguely sci-fi inspired brand name for the blog, and in with another one! (Yes, it’s from the movie Her (2013).)
Microsoft went back on promised features in its Office 365 subscription service, so I canceled my subscription.
breaks IPv6 addresses in the wrong placesAlways use Java’s URI API instead of Android’s URI API to avoid Android’s mishandling of IPv6 literal addresses.
Windows 10 users may have seen “TWINUI” when opening links and files. TWINUI is a Windows component that is often mistaken for an email client or a PDF reader.
I tried out the new Sense sleep monitoring system and its kind-of-stupid “smart” alarm clock. It’s an interesting product, but not a “must-have.”
Why does it seem like Google is the only company that is able to deliver good Android smartphones?
Microsoft is working on baking Multicast-DNS and DNS Service Discovery, two widely deployed network-discovery protocols, into Windows 10.
The popular mDNS-utility Avahi sees its first update in three years. The update addresses multiple issues with IPv6 and log-flooding from Windows 10 clients.
of Microsoft Edge on Xbox One with Windows 10Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Xbox; Xbox One) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10553
The EFF’s Privacy Badger extension auto-detects and blocks websites that track you across websites. It also breaks more websites the more you use it.
Protect against device fingerprinting using installed fonts by automatically cycling through a set of randomly installed fonts.