All about icons for Microsoft Edge
How Microsoft Edge (legacy) detects and uses favicons, colors, and other website assets for use on its New Tab Page (NTP).
How Microsoft Edge (legacy) detects and uses favicons, colors, and other website assets for use on its New Tab Page (NTP).
Virtualized Windows runs great in GNOME boxes, but you need to tweak some settings to get good performance. Audio won’t work with the default settings.
Who needs a simple to set up Tor-enabled Wi-Fi access-point, anyway? Maybe for a guest network? InvizBox is the answer if you do!
A look into the different strengths and weaknesses of Canonical’s Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) vs Red Hat’s FirewallD firewall solutions for Linux.
A group review of the free tiers of the three uptime-monitoring services: Site24x7 vs StatusCake vs UptimeRobot.
I moved from Nikola (a static site generator) to WordPress and it wasn’t an easy decision. Here is what motivated me to make the move.
My early-adopter experiences obtaining free HTTPS certificates from Let’s Encrypt.
My experiences after two months out-bidding the lowest paying online advertisers to get a mostly ad-free experience across the web.
I’ve developed an Android app to detect and troubleshoot HTTP proxy configuration issues. Android has no tools to detect or help fix such issues.
How to swap out a poorly supported Broadcom Wi-Fi module in a laptop with a better and more modern Wi-Fi module from Intel.
I’ve been burned one too many times over launch-day issues and poor quality control on new game titles. I’m a paying customer and not a beta tester!
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