Semantic markup improves the quality of machine-translated texts
Text-level semantic HTML can improve machine-translation of texts containing program names, programming instructions, file paths, URIs, etc.
Text-level semantic HTML can improve machine-translation of texts containing program names, programming instructions, file paths, URIs, etc.
elementsWhy the <link> element, a metadata element for link type data, is better suited for links than the more generic <meta> element.
HTML5 documents could end up being parsed as legacy HTML4 documents in HTML Tidy (libtidy) depending on the DOCTYPE casing.
The ob_tidyhandler handler from the PHP libtidy extension mistakenly enables the tidy.clean_output option persistently.
How do browser reading modes detect metadata like the article title, publication date, and author? There’s no standard so web browsers all do their own thing.
How do browser reading modes determine what is the main page content? They use different approaches and there’s no defined standard.
elementWhat’s up with the mysterious <å> HTML element as seen here on Ctrl blog and other Scandinavian websites? It’s just a typo: the Å key is next to P.
Social networks are some of the web’s largest consumers of RDFa metadata. Yet, their document parsers really suck at handling it.
BriskBard is a new proprietary web layout engine with a near-perfect Acid2-test score. Can it reignite the web browser engine wars?
Get the details on how GNMOE Web (formerly Epiphany) uses favicons and other website assets when installing websites as web apps on the Linux desktop.
<ol start="2">
How to start an <ol> list element offset from a different starting number than one. No JavaScript or CSS hacks required, just plain HTML.
<input type="number">
with different decimal marksThe state of web browser support for using both commas and periods as decimal marks in <input type="number"> is still limited in 2021.