Promote your Onion site with the Onion-Location
HTTP header
A new HTTP header enables websites to redirect their visitors using the Tor Browser to their more secure Onion site.
HTTP headerA new HTTP header enables websites to redirect their visitors using the Tor Browser to their more secure Onion site.
Websites are port-scanning your localhost. Here’s how to stop random websites from knowing what services are running on your device.
Night mode in Samsung browser explained. How it breaks page contrast and accessibility, pastelify SVG colors, and why web developers can’t do anything about it.
A 3-years retrospective of EdgeDeflector. The tiny utility program that lets you take back control over the default web browser setting in Windows 10.
A comparison of features, security, performance, and limitations of Firefox browser running in isolated sandboxes provided by Flatpak vs. Snap.
A decade ago, the Opera web browser shipped a virtual fridge and a built-in web server right inside its web browser. Why did it fail to decentralize the web?
<link rel=dns-prefetch>
and when to use preconnect
Learn the difference between dns-prefecth vs preconnect, how to work around browser bugs, and when to use which? iOS and Safari requires special attention.
featuresWindows opened from your website can redirect the opening tab to a new destination. Mitigations break functionality like sizing and positioning.
A case study in how timely Firefox derived web browsers (Waterfox, Cliqz, Pale Moon, and Tor) ship critical security updates.
You must implement the Beacon API the way WebKit deems to be “the right way” to make it work on iOS, Safari, and WebKit browsers.
A small Google AdSense publishers’ perspective on Firefox’s new cookie-blocking policy change. It can be good for the open web ecosystem in the long run.
Stave off the looming Chromium monoculture with a Firefox-based web browser. Here’s a look at four of them: Cliqz, Tor Browser, Pale Moon, and Waterfox.