Fluxfonts 2.0 for Windows 10
Fluxfonts — the open-source anti-font-fingerprinting program — is now available on Windows. Helps prevent your device from being fingerprinted by trackers.
Fluxfonts — the open-source anti-font-fingerprinting program — is now available on Windows. Helps prevent your device from being fingerprinted by trackers.
Online marketers are being too aggressive with their remarketing campaigns. Stop pushing low-value goods at a loss!
The EFF’s Privacy Badger extension auto-detects and blocks websites that track you across websites. It also breaks more websites the more you use it.
Protect against device fingerprinting using installed fonts by automatically cycling through a set of randomly installed fonts.
Grindr doesn’t use HTTPS-encryption allowing network operators and attacker-in-the-middle (AITM) attackers to intercept private pics in the app.
An Android competitor has much better security and privacy tools than what you get in the original Android from Google.
Windows has become your password manager, but it also syncs all your credentials to Microsoft. Should you trust it with the keys to your digital kingdom?
You shouldn’t use a Windows Administrative account for your everyday use. Setup one basic and one admin account to increase security.
First-party analytics on websites generally isn’t a privacy problem. However, third-party analytic platforms tracking you across different websites is.
The new Preloading feature in Internet Explorer 11 is designed to speed up your web browsing. It also transmits a lot of information to Microsoft.
Don’t rely on third-party hosts like YouTube and embedded widgets create privacy risks for your visitors. Host it yourself!
I investigated how web browsers treat your configures location sharing permissions and policies in private browsing mode.