How to block programmatic podcast ads
Here is how you can block most programmatically inserted ads, or “dynamic ads”, in your favorite podcasts. No special software required.
Here is how you can block most programmatically inserted ads, or “dynamic ads”, in your favorite podcasts. No special software required.
Flattr users can now use their subscriptions to contribute to podcasts and YouTube creators. Creators get access to a new recurring revenue stream.
I listen to podcasts at my desk, and Pocket Casts’ new desktop apps (based on their web apps) means I don’t need my smartphone to enjoy them comfortably.
The new Google Podcast app doesn’t play well with other podcast apps. It doesn’t support some podcast standards, or importing or exporting subscriptions.
Host-read ads can damage trust. Podcasts should either use different people to read their ads or embrace programmatically inserted ads.
Hosts erode trust when reading advertiser messages on their shows. Programmatic ads may be the only way to maintain trust.
Feed delta updates strip away feed entries that the subscriber has already download and only transmits the update delta consisting of new entries.
A clever and delightful Purchase button design featuring a Futurama meme really inspired me to just shut up and give Pocket Cast my money.
XML stylesheets can help visitors learn about and make better use of your syndication feeds by helping them get set up.
Plugin uses open-source text-to-speech syntheses to automatically generate a podcast from your Nikola-powered blog posts.