Linode DNS Manager pitfall: No TXT
record normalization
Be wary when entering DNS TXT records in the Linode DNS Manager. The web interface doesn’t properly normalize user input.
record normalizationBe wary when entering DNS TXT records in the Linode DNS Manager. The web interface doesn’t properly normalize user input.
Plenty of third-party firewalls and similar programs can break Windows 10’s Data usage counting. Here is how to make it count your data again.
Why and when do you need to run the ‘firewall-cmd --reload’ command after making changes to your FirewallD configuration.
Feed delta updates strip away feed entries that the subscriber has already download and only transmits the update delta consisting of new entries.
more routing-robust and dual-stackMake your network-based file_get_contents() request more reliable by having it not give up so easily and try multiple network routes and protocols instead.
You can decide the balance between Wi-Fi network latency and power-savings on Linux using the new llwr utility.
Identify the network interface your Google Chromecast device uses to connect to the internet. Is it using the USB-Ethernet or Wi-Fi adapter?
OnePlay’s website is available over IPv6 through Cloudflare. However, its backend servers blocked my purchases as they weren’t IPv6 ready.
Instructions for setting up auto-updates for the GeoIP location databases, and set up the PHP-GeoIP extension in Fedora/Ubuntu Linux.
Ensure reliable and long-term content distribution over BitTorrent with a dedicated seedbox. All you need is a small server or a cloud VPS.
Stop relying on IP addresses not changing in an IPv6-enabled world were devices randomly change their address at least once a day.
IPv6-capable websites can break the website security information displayed in the Netcraft anti-phishing toolbar for Firefox and Chrome.